How to claim a Funeral Expense grant from the Department of Work and Pensions
Did you know you could be eligible for a Funeral Expense Grant from the Department of Work and Pensions towards funeral expenses?
If you receive certain state benefits, you might be eligible for help with funeral costs from The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).
To qualify for the support, the applicant (not the deceased) must receive any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Pension Credit
- Housing Benefit
- The disability or severe disability element of Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
Note - The applicant should be a close contact of the deceased.
If you have recently applied for any of these benefits and are waiting to hear about your claim, you can still apply for Funeral Expense Payment.
Please note: In order to make a claim, you will need to submit an invoice from your nominated Funeral Director. A funeral contribution from DWP will not cover all of the funeral expenses, and there is no guarantee of your application's acceptance. If your claim is successful, the contribution will be made directly to your chosen Funeral Director.
How to claim:
To make a claim, you will need an invoice from your dedicated Funeral Director (note a quote or estimate will not be accepted; it must be an invoice). You can also make a claim within six months after the funeral (if you have the funds to cover the costs upfront).
Call the Bereavement Services on 0800 151 2012 to make a claim or post your application by completing the Claim Form SF200
Our expert advisors are happy to discuss and advise on making an application to the DWP for support with funeral costs.
Please remember that it is important you are honest about the benefits you are receiving so that we can guide you and help you make the right decisions towards your application. Any information you disclose to us will be treated with strictest confidence.