Fenix Funeral Directors in Killay
Our funeral homes in Killay
If you live in Killay or the surrounding area and need to plan a funeral, contact us today at Fenix Funeral Directors in Killay to discuss making the funeral arrangements. Our experienced funeral directors can provide a personal service and help you make all the plans to have a lovely tribute in the way you want to.
If you have any special requests for the funeral you are planning in Killay, please don’t hesitate to ask. We can help you arrange floral tributes, decorations, songs, or anything else you would like.
When you contact us at Fenix Funeral in Killay, you never have to worry about being treated like a “customer”. For us, you are a fellow human being who needs support and help in a difficult time. You always get a personal adviser who is by your side through out the process.
Planning a funeral in Killay
Planning a funeral is emotional for anyone, and it can be challenging if this is your first time. There are many decisions to make, which can often be overwhelming. But at Fenix Funeral Directors in Killay, we make the whole process as easy as possible.
When you use our funeral planning services, we will work closely with you and your family to help plan all the details for your peace of mind. You can arrange everything over the phone or speak with someone in person if you prefer, and with our pre-paid funeral plans, you will never have to worry about hidden costs because our pricing is fully transparent.
Whatever type of funeral you want to plan, whether a church funeral or a non-traditional funeral, we are here to help you. So contact us today to find out more about how we can help you plan the perfect tribute for your loved one.
You have a choice of churches and chapels in Killay if you are planning a traditional church funeral in the area. These include Siloam Baptist Church, St Hilary Church, St Martin’s Church, the Catholic Church of St Joachim & St Anne, Holy Trinity Church, All Souls Church and the Swansea Korean Church in upper Killay.