Fenix Funeral Directors in Etchingham
Our funeral homes in Etchingham
Fenix Funeral Directors in Etchingham can provide guidance, advice, and funeral planning to you and your family whenever you need them. We offer the most competitive rates without compromising on quality. To find out more, please set up an appointment with a funeral director online via the enquiry form on our website, or give us a call on 0808 164 9040 during normal office hours. We''re always available to listen to your needs and answer your queries.
Fenix Funeral Directors in Etchingham will ensure that all your special wishes are met. Add any element you wish that reminds you of your friend or family member, including flowers, music, readings or catering. We will do everything within our power to ensure your requests are carried out. Please do not hesitate to discuss your needs with the funeral director in advance.
When you contact us at Fenix Funeral in Etchingham, you never have to worry about being treated like a “customer”. For us, you are a fellow human being who needs support and help in a difficult time. You always get a personal adviser who is by your side through out the process.
Planning a funeral in Etchingham
Fenix Funeral Directors in Etchingham will take care of all the details surrounding the funeral. We will arrange the officiant, interment, transport and flowers and catering as required. We''ll ensure that the service goes according to plan and remain on standby to offer advice and guidance throughout. Our teams are highly trained, professional and above all, compassionate.
Fenix Funeral Directors can arrange for funeral services to take place at any venue of your choice within Etchingham and Tunbridge Wells. We recommend the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and St Nicholas Church on High Street, St Bartholomew''s Church, Christ the King Catholic Church on Treehurst Road and the Holy Trinity Church in Hurst Green as possible venues for the ceremony. We will organise the officiant and venue hire on your behalf.